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Devotion to Mary: Transformation of the Heart

Devotion to Mary….changes and transforms one’s heart (St. Louis de Montfort)

Recently, the Community of Montfort Priests, SMM, gave a Parish Consecration retreat to parishioners who will be making their Total Consecration in Maryland. Conference #1: I Am All Yours begins with a blessing and a review of the Immaculate Conception statue within the parish. Later in this conference, the question is asked: What does “I am all yours..” actually mean. He asks those that will be renewing their consecration and the many who will make the Act of Total Consecration that weekend. What does it actually mean?

Before discussing this in detail, in the audio a little show and tell: by showing and telling the audience about an icon the speaker brought with him: The Mother of God with Three Hands. The original statue first appeared in Bulgaria and dates back to at least 700 A.D. The story is told of Fr. John, who would later become St. John Damascus (sometimes spelled Damascene), who stood up to the political injustices and elegantly spoke and wrote that icons in the church were appropriate and help with spiritual prayer life.

Fr. John was persecuted and was convicted, incorrectly, of fraud. As a result, his hand was cut off. After he was sentenced he returned to the church, without his hand, without his holy reputation and without his ability to be able to preach…because the public would no longer listen to him. Disgraced, according to the world, Fr. John did not complain, did not yell at God. He returned to the church, kneeled in front of the Blessed Mother, held out his arm…that no longer had his hand, and said to the Blessed Mother…I am at your service. Passing out because of the pain, the Blessed Mother came to Fr. John and re-attached his hand.

This story provides us with a template for the meaning of “I Am All Yours”. The meaning and definition is further discussed in a way that will impact our spiritual life.

Conference #2: Transformation of the Heart

It is commonly said that Devotion to Mary and saying the Holy Rosary is for women. Devotion to Mary performed precisely, transforms a man into an Apostolic man. Not just a man who is serious about faith. But a man that is stepping forward in the service of the gospel. An apostolic man.

This conference audio talks about St. John, Jesus’ beloved friend and the only Apostle found at the foot of The Cross on Good Friday. The speaker discusses holiness and the characteristics of a saint. He relays the story of how his (St. John’s) mother disrupts Jesus and asks for both her sons (John and James) to sit at each of Jesus’ sides when He comes into His reign The bible tells us this and other stories about St. John before Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday. Fr. Hugh tells us the difference between the actions of St. John is Jesus. Specifically, the transformation of his heart. In this audio this story helps us all to connect to the Devotion to Mary and the Transformation of our Hearts.

Conference #3: Devotion to Mary
Devotion to Mary is necessary, indeed a requirement, in all Christians’ lives. That is correct: a Requirement. Without it, our Christian and spiritual life will be lacking. Fr. de Montfort states Devotion to Mary is so important, and we must possess it in the right way. This audio informs us if our devotion is solid and genuine, our spiritual life will be so as well. It also elaborates on meditation of Mary; the more we meditate on her glory and virtues, the more our hearts will grow for her. How do we do this? This is explained in Conference #3.

Fr Hugh also gives us five “markers”, or guide posts, or milestones to help us with our Devotion and with our Spiritual Prayer Life. He does so, because, its difficult to find a spiritual director. While this discussion does not replace a spiritual director, it will help each of us on our own Spiritual Journey and in our own Spiritual Prayer Life.

I Am All Yours

Transformation of the Heart

Devotedness to Mary

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