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The Honorable

Atonement Service


Authored by

St. Louis

de Montfort











Authored by Fr. de Montfort

Written likely in the early 1700's

Translated from French this Year

Taken from a Montfort Publication dated 1780s

The Honorable



When Fr. de Montfort preached his missions, they would often last for several weeks (normally, four weeks). Back then the purpose of the mission series was to prepare people to receive the Blessed Sacrament. During the weekend of week two or three, Fr. de Montfort gave a service entitled: The Honorable Atonement Service. The service was dedicated to Our Lord to make reparation for the sins committed against Him and to express our sorrow.

The service was outlined in the writings of St. Louis de Montfort and practiced in the 1700’s after his death. In Montfort Publications dated in the 1780’s this outline was recently rediscovered. Written in French, the service likely hasn’t been practiced in France, since the early 1800’s, and with almost complete confidence, it has not been given in English.

The service has recently been translated and this year, for the first time, will be given on Friday and Saturday July 5th and 6th at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, in Manorville, NY. All members of The Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts are invited to attend this historic service. For those that can not attend, please keep this service in your prayers.

Hear more about this service in the 7 minute video that appears below.

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