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What’s the best way to handle the 33 day Consecration program? By oneself, or in a group? Should we do it by our self? What’s the best way? What should one do and what should one not do with this program?

Its important as we begin the Spiritual journey and want to learn something that will impact our spiritual life, simply picking up the Preparation (gray) book is going to limit the effectiveness of the overall program. Its not a bad thing, but it limits the effectiveness of the process.

Step 1: Begin by Preparation: The best way is to do some preparation first (to understand a little about this Spiritual Approach by St. Louis de Montfort). One does this by reading (and using the available online media resources) Secret of Mary, or True Devotion. This will give you a working idea of what St. Louis de Montfort is talking about in his approach.

Step 2: Take a temperature of your own willingness for Devotion to Mary
Am I comfortable with the role of Our Lady? Do I pray the Holy Rosary without being lost to understanding why one is saying it? Do I have a stable prayer life, or am I willing to begin one?

These questions are important: Marian Consecration has several levels. Fr. de Montfort talks about Consecration at a very high level. There are various consecrations one can perform that are not as encompassing as what is outlined in this approach (see this audio for the Difference between Consecration and Total Consecration). St. Louis de Montfort’s Spirituality Approach is for people that are either spirituality mature, or are serious about the desire to spiritually grow. Not everyone will have this intention or desire at any given moment.

If you are considering making the Act of Total Consecration, its worth doing correctly. The best way to begin, is to read one of the two writings mentioned above (or both). Make sure this has been read and somewhat understood (use the links from Step 1 of the Spiritual Journey page to go to the Secret of Mary Video and to link / acquire the booklet). Understand the role of Our Lady and then move into the process of Consecration.

When you move into the Total Consecration process, make sure you have a reasonable chance that you can perform the readings and exercises each day during the 33 consecutive day period.

One final recommendation once you decided to move forward with the process: pick a feast day that is important to you, and allow a few days for mediation, then count back the 33 days to determine the start date. Allow a few days to meditate after completion of the program and before the feast day in which you will say the consecration prayer. See why these steps and recommendations are important during this twelve (12) minute Spiritual Insight Audio.

Note: The audio is an excerpt from a radio show program recorded on a Florida radio station. To listen to the full program, use this Conference Audio link.

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