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AnnouncementsHoly DaysSt. Louis de Montfort

St. Louis de Montfort Novena and Lessons from His Life

Featured Media of the Month: April

“The Holy Spirit works on the blessed and produces in them love that is in some way infinite. The saints are in a constant state of ecstasy. That is to say they have transcended their earthly existence.” (St. Louis de Montfort LS 511)

Fr. de Montfort preached that our vocation is to be holy. We are all called to be saints. On April 28, the anniversary of St. Louis de Montfort’s passing into glory, the Church grants from its treasury the right for all members of the Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts to receive a plenary indulgence (assuming they perform the usual set of works). Find more about plenary indulgences for QoAH members here.

In preparation for his anniversary, QoAH has made available two sets of spiritual media. The first is a set of Audios (Conference Audio: St. Louis de Montfort Novena) that were delivered on his 300th anniversary (April 2016). A novena was held in which nine days of conferences were given on various aspects of the life of St. Louis de Montfort. The Solemn Novena (audios) in honor of Fr. de Montfort provides the opportunity to hear nine different aspects of his life. This in turn will hopefully give those who listen to the Novena an opportunity to deepen their own understanding of the details of his life, but also to experience something of his personality and tremendous vocational energy.

A pdf file is available below for viewing and downloading to help in following along with the audio.

The second set is a video series (Video) covering the lessons we all can learn from the life of St. Louis de Montfort (delivered in the Philippines last year). Hopefully, aspects of his life can influence our own Spiritual Journey!

These are the two featured Spiritual Insights for this month. And remember, a gift of a plenary indulgence is available on April 28, for members that follow the normal conditions.

May our good Jesus through his most holy Mother keep you and protect you and your family.


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