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at Mass!

Special Media: The Queen: Special Publication: The Mass

After weeks away from our parishes, with only the ability to virtually participate in Mass, Christians within many states are now once again able to attend and participate in Mass. In areas of New York, and other areas around the United States, we are not physically able to receive Holy Communion at Sunday Mass. However, Christians can rejoice once again, as we are able to physically participate and attend the Mass!

It is only fitting, therefore, that the Queen of All Hearts and the QoAH’s website celebrate this occasion with a Special Publication on the Mass entitled: Uniting With Christ at Mass!

The Mass … and I Am All Thine

The first Spiritual Insight is a homily given a few days before Pentecost Sunday. The Mass … and I Am All Thine. The homily first discusses a special passage from the Gospel of John. I Am All Thine … So what does this have to do with Mass, you may rightfully ask? What actually is the Mass? Is it several prayers and then Holy Communion? Not exactly. In fact, during this pandemic, the danger is to solely hunger for Holy Communion and forget the very purpose of the Mass. The purpose of the Mass is more than receiving Holy Communion. It is important to understand this passage from the Gospel because we get to unite with Jesus before Holy Communion! Listen to this first Spiritual Insight to understand the passage and how it impacts us at the Mass!

Rest Your Head on Jesus at Mass!

This second Spiritual Insight is a homily given the day before Pentecost Sunday. Rest Your Head on Jesus at Mass!. The homily first discusses two passages concerning St. Paul and St. Peter. The homily discusses our own mission that Jesus gives to us individually. Additionally, the homily focuses on the conclusion of St. John’s Gospel, and the fact that all has not been written about Jesus. The Holy Spirit helps us and teaches us more about Jesus, in conjunction with what is written in the Gospel. See how this impacts us, and hear how we should Rest Your Head upon Jesus at Mass!

Four Articles

As part of the recent The Queen Publications, an ongoing series is presented entitled: Consecration Aids. We jump ahead in the series and present three articles discussing the Mass. Each article presents a different perspective of The Mass for your meditation. The articles are entitled: Spiritual Sacrifice, Lose Yourself in the Sublimity of Blessed Mary’s Intentions at Mass!, and Give Her (Mary) A Chance!

The last article was written by St. Pope John Paul II entitled: Sunday Shows God’s Love for His Creatures.

We pray these Spiritual Media aid us all in preparing, honoring and thanking Our Lord for allowing us to physically attend Mass. The Queen of All Hearts also pray this special publication provides material for your meditation. We also pray we continue every day to hunger for Jesus and receive Him through the Sacred Mysteries of the Mass.

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