The New Queen

Beginning in May, 1950, with its foundation by de Montfort’s Fathers Fr. Roger Charest and Fr. Francis Tomai, and continuing through December, 2006, Queen of All Hearts Magazine was a constant source of spiritual nourishment and support for the members of the Association. Published bi-monthly, The Queen, as the magazine was commonly named, was a welcome visitor to the mailboxes and homes of our members – welcome not only for the gift of spiritual wisdom it brought, but also for the way it allowed us to be connected both to the members of the Company of Mary in the United States and around the world and to our spiritual brothers and sisters in the Association.
As we approach the seventy year anniversary for these spiritual treasures, The Association of Mary, Queen of All Hearts, and Montfort Publications, are republishing and refreshing these treasures. Fifty six years of spiritual guidance and a means to connect each of QoAH’s members, we will start slowly in republishing and refreshing this spiritual information.
Initially we will start with two areas: The first is The Queen: Articles. The articles are diverse, focusing on St. Louis de Montfort’s Holy Slavery (the story of his life); various aspects of the Spirituality According to St. Louis de Montfort; articles on Consecration Aids to help existing and new members understand Total Consecration better; articles on Mary, such as Mary in Scripture, and How to Know Mary Better, and so much more!
The second section will address Questions and Answers Queen of All Hearts received, both through the years and today. In the near term we will let members know how to submit their own questions. Initially, the Q&A section focuses on Spirituality and True Devotion questions.
We plan to publish The Queen approximately three to four times per year, leveraging the Queen of All Hearts treasure vault of materials, while adding new materials in some of the sections.
We hope you’ll find The Queen insightful and informative, and a help on your own Spiritual Journey. Many thanks for all the souls over the many years that contributed to The Queen, and the current members that are assisting with taking The Queen into the new age of social media. Our thanks also to all QoAH members who support this effort through their prayers and contributions.
(To Jesus Through Mary)