You have the Words of Eternal Life
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
J esus, you have the words of eternal life!
This … is hard. …. Many of His disciples no longer walked with Him!
Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also want to leave?” Then Simon Peter answered him, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that You are the Holy One of God”
Belief and disbelief. Within the body of believers, there were belief and disbelief. The crowd in the today’s Gospel have an issue from the community of people who lived and saw Jesus. The Word is difficult to accept. We should pause, all of us. If faith is not difficult for us … if everything is easy, we likely are not hearing … we likely are missing something or haven’t heard Him in what He is asking us in His fullness.
As we experience the changes as a result of the pandemic, and the changes of the world around us, what is the Lord saying to us now? Is there an area of my faith that must change? Is there a change in our relationship with the Lord that needs to grow?
This Gospel is a challenge for us all! Listen to this Homily, as a believer of Jesus and His teachings, to help us realize that the Lord always is teaching us, and communicating with us. He wants always for us to change, and deepen our love and relationship with Him. He has the words of eternal life. Even if these words are difficult.

Jesus Speaks to His Disciples and the People
Jesus Teaches the People by the Sea: French Painter: James Tissot: 1886
This painting resides at The Brooklyn Museum
You have the Words of Eternal Life