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Indulgences Available to Members

The members of the Association of Mary, Queen of All hearts, have the opportunity to gain the grant of a plenary indulgence on numerous occasions each year:

The APOSTOLIC PENITENTIARY, at the behest of the Holy Father, rules that the substance of the above-mentioned Rescript (Prot. N. 119/96/I and N. 120/96/I) be attributed to the new Association of “Mary, Queen of All Hearts”; thus the members may acquire a Plenary Indulgence, provided that, the usual conditions (Sacramental Confession, Holy Communion and Prayer for the Holy Father’s intentions) having been fulfilled and any attachment to any sin being excluded, they promise or renew their promise, at least privately, to faithfully observe their own Statutes, on the following occasions:

  1. The day of their enrollment; and the anniversary day of their Act of Total Consecration (*);
  2. Holy Thursday;
  3. the liturgical celebrations of Christmas and the Annunciation of the Lord;
  4. the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  5. the Feast Day of St. Louis de Montfort;
  6. First Saturday of every month.

The present rescript to be valid in perpetuity.
Anything to the contrary notwithstanding.

Note: (*) See this link for additional information on Total Consecration Anniversaries.

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