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The Queen:

What Total Consecration Means to Me!

This is a series of articles (or statements), in which QoAH’s members state what Total Consecration means to them and how it has altered their lives. In the future, audio and video clips may be included, but for now, members’ views communicated via email are represented.

The picture is from The Company of Mary’s archives and depicts the missionary spirit has reached all parts of the world to announce the victorious and saving love of Our Lord, who gives Himself to us Through Mary.

I. Never Too Late!

“I gratefully acknowledge receipt of the three books “True Devotion to Mary,” which you sent to me. May God bless you a thousand times for your precious gift. The Bishop was here when the books arrived. I gave him one of the books; he read it during his retreat and decided to make the Act of Total Consecration. He was so very glad about it that he said: ‘How is ‘it possible that I am thinking of it now only, when I am already old.’ ” – A member from the Philippines

II. No Need for Despair!

“My life until my consecration to Our Blessed Mother was all self, depending only on myself until it nearly destroyed me. I was an habitual drunkard, married twice outside the Church, my first Wife having died. It was in this condition of desperation that a sort of hunger (I cannot explain) for Our Blessed Mother consumed me completely. Surely it was a tremendous blessing that came to me through someone else’s prayers. Does she not bestow grace “on whom she wills?

“It is now almost 4 years since I have made my consecration to her, and my old self, I pray, will never return. I have complete trust in her and I know she will never let me stray as long as I persevere. . . ‘

“My wife is a convert now and our three children also. This past year, on the feast of the Annunciation, she made her consecration to Mary for the first time . . . .A member from Wisconsin.

III. We Found Happiness!

“I am trying to live in accordance with the beautiful plan as outlined in the Reign of Jesus through Mary, as well as possible in my daily life, hough I haven’t accomplished as much as I would like. So far, I have found that it has changed not only my life, but also my husband’s and daughter’s lives to such a degree that we have found much happiness and peace through a great trial we have just passed”. . . . A member from Ohio

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