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Jesus Tells the Man that Earthly Life Can Prevent You From Obtaining Eternal Life

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Jesus Tells the Man that Earthly Life Can Prevent You From Obtaining Eternal Life


In the second reading, we hear there is a cutting sharpness of the Word of God.

The Word can uncover what is in a person’s heart all along. It is in sharp contrast to the gentler words within the first reading. To fully understand today’s Gospel, it is important to understand the sharpness of the second reading! Hear more within the Homily!

The Word of God can be inspiring and uplifting. The Word of God has a cutting brilliance about it that lights up even the darkest corners of the heart. If the language used in the Gospel is off-putting and frightening, it should be! Why? Because Holiness is like that! Hear more in the Homily!

In the first reading we hear about values . . . about what is most important about life. More than a long life, riches and status, the author values Wisdom. Interesting! Wisdom is worth more than any earthly possession. Why would that be?

Wisdom is a Gift

Wisdom is a gift and good that teaches us to order and use all other things. The author of the first reading provides us a context for asking ourselves what we value in our life. The Homily explains Wisdom’s importance.

A Young Man Runs to Jesus

In the Gospel, we hear about what the Lord wants us to do! The Gospel begins in a particular way. A young man runs to Jesus. He rushes to Him! He needs to ask a question . . . so he runs to Jesus. When he gets to the Lord, he drops to his knees. There is something urgent and vital, even spiritual, happening here. He seeks a spiritual answer, that only Jesus can answer. What must I do to inherit eternal life?

Interesting, do we feel urgency about eternal life? This is a fundamental question that resides in everyone’s heart. Again, the Homily explores this topic and question.

In the question is hidden the young man’s real problem. Jesus says to attend to the basic things in doing the will of God. Jesus tells him to obey the commandments. The young man tells the Lord he has performed these basics since he was little. But the young man realizes that is not enough. He knows it when he was running to the Lord, so he asks again, what must we do?

Jesus Tells Us What to Do

Jesus tells him what to do . . . and then tells him to Follow Me (Follow the Lord). Do so and you’ll have treasure in Heaven. Hmmm! Relate the Gospel to the first reading. The young man wants eternal life . . . much like we all do! But he is disappointed when the Lord tells him what to do to obtain it. Wisdom and values . . . what is important?

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Jesus Tells the Man that Earthly Life Can Prevent You From Obtaining Eternal Life

Christ and the Rich Young Ruler: German Painter: Heinrich Hoffman:  1889

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Gospel Reading: Mark: 10: 17-30

First Reading: WIS 7: 7-11

Second Reading: HEB 4: 12-13

Jesus Tells the Man that Earthly Life Can Prevent You From Obtaining Eternal Life

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