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The Chair of St. Peter: A Seat of Authority and Faith

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

The Chair of St. Peter: A Seat of Authority and Faith


The Church emphasizes the significance of the Chair of St. Peter, . . .


. . . on this Feast Day, which symbolizes the authority and witness of the Apostle Peter and his successors. It explores the meaning of a chair as a place of rest, stability, and authority, linking it to the role of Peter as the foundation of the Church. The homily highlights Peter’s confession of faith—“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”—as the rock upon which Christ built his Church.

The Gospel reading also draws attention to the role of faith as a gift from God, the authority of the Church in proclaiming Christ, and the symbolic power of the keys of the kingdom. The message concludes by connecting this authority to the Eucharist, where the priests, through apostolic succession, calls Christ to be present on the altar, affirming the Church’s unbroken mission of showing forth Jesus Christ.

Listen also to the end of the Homily which paints an image on how we should pray to the Lord immediately after communion. Hear more within this Meditation Media. Listen to:


The Chair of St. Peter: A Seat of Authority and Faith

The Chair of St. Peter

Gospel Reading: Matthew 16: 13-19

First Reading: 1 Peter 5: 1-4

The Chair of St. Peter: A Seat of Authority and Faith

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