The Gift of Hearing: A Path to Faith and Proclamation
Fr. Felix Phiri, SMM
The Gift of Hearing: A Path to Faith and Proclamation
There is a special prayer of blessing at the baptism of children, . . .
. . . spoken immediately after pouring water on the child. In this prayer, the priest or deacon invokes the Lord who made the deaf hear and the mute speak, asking that He touch the child’s ears to receive His word and their mouth to proclaim His faith.
This prayer, known as the “Ephphatha” or “Be Opened” prayer, is also present in the rite of adult initiation, occurring before the day of baptism. Its purpose is to open the ears to hear the Word of God and the mouth to proclaim the faith into which the individual is entering.
Jesus Begins the Healing By . . .
It’s fascinating that Jesus begins healing by opening ears. Without the ability to hear, one cannot speak. Even when hearing is impaired, speech becomes difficult. This illustrates that hearing is more fundamental than speaking. Perhaps this is why God gave us two ears but only one mouth—so we might listen more than we speak. Imagine if it were the other way around!
In today’s Gospel, Jesus heals the whole person by first healing the ears, enabling them to hear the Word of God. For without hearing the Word, one cannot proclaim it. It all begins with listening. This invites us to reflect: How often do I hear the Word of God? How often do I read it?
More importantly, how often does my speaking flow from listening to the Word of God? This reflection encourages us to listen more—both to God and to others. Before responding to others, we must first hear them.
. . . Opening the Ears
Once we’ve listened to the Word of God, we are then called to proclaim it. Additionally, today’s Gospel reminds us of the people who brought the man from the Decapolis to Jesus, asking for healing on his behalf. Jesus responded to their plea and healed him.
This invites us to consider: Who can I bring to Jesus today? Whether through prayer or action, we are called to intercede for others. Think of someone suffering or in need. Bring them to Jesus in prayer, asking for healing, comfort, or strength.
Today’s message challenges us to listen more deeply and to bring others to Jesus, trusting in His power to touch, heal, and open hearts. Listen more to the additional lessons in today’s readings. Hear more within this brief Meditation Media. Listen to:
The Gift of Hearing: A Path to Faith and Proclamation

Christ Healing the Deaf-Mute: French Artist: Philippe de Champaigne: 1650 -1660
Gospel Reading: Mark 7: 31-37
First Reading: Genesis 3: 1-8
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Meditation for the Week
The Gift of Hearing: A Path to Faith and Proclamation