The Sower’s Hope: A Reflection on God’s Patience
Fr. Bernard Maganga, SMM
The Sower’s Hope: A Reflection on God’s Patience
God’s Hope in You and Me
God has hope in you. God has hope in me. And in His infinite mercy, He grants us time.
There is a well-known saying: Keep the Word of God, and the Word of God will keep you. This wisdom reminds us of the importance of holding onto God’s truth, for it has the power to sustain and guide us. Today, the Gospel presents us with the Parable of the Sower—a lesson deeply rooted in faith and patience.
The Sower goes out to scatter seeds. Anyone familiar with farming understands the care required for planting. In many places, before sowing, farmers prepare the land by making ridges, ensuring the soil is rich and free from stones. This preparation is essential for growth, as seeds need fertile soil to flourish.
During Jesus’ Time . . .
During Jesus’ time, however, farming methods were different. A farmer would walk through the field with a basket of seeds, scattering them by hand. He knew that some seeds would fall on fertile ground, while others would land on rocky paths, among thorns, or in places where birds would snatch them away. Yet, he still sowed generously.
Why Did Jesus Use This Sower Parable?
So, why would a farmer take such a risk, knowing that not all seeds would bear fruit? Why does Jesus use this parable?
At first glance, the farmer may seem careless or even wasteful. But Jesus’ message goes deeper. The Sower represents God, and the seeds symbolize His Word. Despite our hardened hearts, our rocky faith, or the thorns of sin in our lives, God still sows His Word within us. He does so because He has hope in us. He believes in our ability to change, to grow, and to transform.
If God were only concerned with efficiency — if He sowed His Word only where He was sure of immediate results — many of us would never have received His grace. We are sinners, imperfect and flawed, yet He continues to reach out to us. He trusts us. He loves us. And He patiently waits for our transformation.
He Patiently Waits for Our Transformation
This trust, this divine hope, should not be taken for granted. In the first reading, we hear of a High Priest who does not reject us because of our sins but intercedes for us. This is the essence of God’s love—a love that never gives up on us, no matter how unworthy we may feel.
Let us reflect on this: God’s hope in us is unwavering. Will we open our hearts to His Word and allow it to take root in our lives?
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The Sower’s Hope: A Reflection on God’s Patience

Parable of the Sower: Dutch Painter: Pieter Bruegel the Elder: 1557
A Sower went out to sow. The painting depicts a farmer scattering seed across a field. On the left, thorny bushes threaten to overtake the grain. Nearby, rocky ground offers quick growth but little endurance. To the right, further down the hill, the seed falls on fertile soil.
Across the river, a crowd gathers to hear the teachings of Jesus. The painting was inspired by a trip to the mountains the artist took just before creating this piece.
Gospel: Matthew 13: 36-43
First Reading: Jer 14: 17-22
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The Sower’s Hope: A Reflection on God’s Patience