Mary, Elizabeth, and the Spirit of Advent Encounter
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Mary, Elizabeth, and the Spirit of Advent Encounter
As we approach the final days of the Advent season, . . .
. . . our readings and prayers guide us to focus more intently on the events and circumstances leading up to the birth of Christ. By the time we reach the last day of Advent, we metaphorically find ourselves standing on the threshold of His Nativity.
In this reflective time, we encounter some of the most familiar passages of Scripture. Today, for instance, we hear the well-known account of the Visitation, where Mary visits her cousin, St. Elizabeth. These cherished stories invite us to pause and recognize something profound: their meaning is shaped not only by the text itself but also by the liturgical context in which they are proclaimed.
Consider this: tomorrow, we will hear the same Gospel reading again. Why does the Church present us with the same passage two days in a row? It is not because the meaning remains static. Quite the opposite. The Church approaches sacred Scripture in a dynamic way, shaped by the liturgical season and its accompanying prayers and readings.
In Advent, the Scripture Readings Do Not Stand Alone
In Advent, the Scripture readings do not stand alone. They are illuminated by the mystery of the season—by its prayers, its spirit of anticipation, and the liturgical context in which they are celebrated. Thus, while tomorrow’s Gospel may echo today’s, its pairing with a different set of readings and prayers will cast a new light on this familiar story.
This perspective challenges us to go beyond a surface-level understanding of the Visitation. We often think of it simply as Mary visiting Elizabeth, but this view only captures part of the truth. The more significant “visit” is the presence of Christ, carried in Mary’s womb, encountering Elizabeth and her unborn child, John the Baptist. This sacred meeting speaks to the deeper spiritual realities Advent invites us to ponder.
Understand why we hear the story of the Visitation on consecutive days, and what it means for our Spiritual Journey. Listen to this Meditation media. Listen to:
Mary, Elizabeth, and the Spirit of Advent Encounter
Mary and Elizabeth: Dutch Painter: Carl Bloch
Return to Meditation for the Week
Gospel Reading: Luke: 1: 39-45
First Reading: Sg 2: 8-14
Mary, Elizabeth, and the Spirit of Advent Encounter