Hearkening to God’s Music: A Christian’s Dance
Fr. Bernard Maganga, SMM
Hearkening to God’s Music: A Christian’s Dance
Dancing is an art that beautifully combines movement and music.
At its core, dancing involves two essential elements: the steps we take and the music that inspires them. To dance well, one must first pay close attention to the rhythm, beat, and melody of the music. The steps should flow in harmony with the music, creating a seamless connection between sound and movement. It would feel out of place to see someone dancing without music—there is no rhythm to guide their steps.
This concept can be likened to living a Christian life. As Christians, we are the dancers, and Jesus is the music. A good Christian life requires us to listen to Jesus attentively, allowing His presence and guidance to shape our actions. Just as a skilled dancer synchronizes their movements with the music, a good Christian aligns their life with the teachings of Christ.
To Live As Faithful Christians
To live as faithful Christians, we must actively listen to Jesus and allow Him to lead our steps. When we hearken to His voice—when we truly take His words to heart and act on them—we become better followers of Christ. In this way, we become both excellent dancers and devoted Christians.
Listening is crucial in both dancing and our spiritual journey. In the book of Isaiah, God declares that He gives us what is good and directs our steps. However, He calls us to go beyond mere hearing and instead hearken to His commandments. There is a significant difference between hearing and hearkening. Hearing is passive; it involves receiving sound without taking action. Hearkening, on the other hand, is active and intentional. It compels us to act, to move, and to take steps in response to what we hear.
Listening is Crucial in Our Spiritual Journey
God assures us that He provides the rhythm for our lives and teaches us the path to follow. But to prosper, we must do our part—we must hearken to His word. This means listening with intention and allowing His message to influence our actions.
In the Gospel, Jesus compares His generation to people who hear music but do not dance. He is playing the flute for us, but do we move to its melody? Do we allow His words to inspire and guide us? Jesus emphasizes that wisdom is revealed through our actions. Listening to God’s word must lead to works—it must affect how we live, what we say, and how we interact with others.
May the gospel we hear today move us to action. May it guide our steps and help us live our Christian lives with purpose and grace. Listen more to this Meditation Media. Listen to:
Hearkening to God’s Music: A Christian’s Dance

Song of the Angels: French Painter: William Adolphe Bouguereau: 1881
Return to Meditation for the Week
Gospel Reading: Matthew: 11: 16-19
First Reading: Is 48: 17-19
Hearkening to God’s Music: A Christian’s Dance