Jesus Tells Us: The One Who Loses His Life Will Save It! What Does He Really Mean?
Fr. Bernard Maganga, SMM
Jesus Tells Us: The One Who Loses His Life Will Save It! What Does He Really Mean?
The Gospel that we have today is a continuation of what we read yesterday.
Yesterday, the Pharisees came to Jesus and asked him, When is the kingdom of God going to come? That was the question. And Jesus said, The kingdom of God cannot be observed.
You won’t see someone who is going to announce that here it is or there it is. No. In fact, the kingdom of God is among you. That is was what Jesus said yesterday. The kingdom of God is before you. With the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, the full revelation of God, the kingdom of God is among us. And then he continues by turning to his disciples and telling them that there shall come a time when you’ll be looking for the son of man and there’ll be different people that will come that will say I’m here. Do not listen to them because just like the lightning so will the son of man come. But first he must suffer. And now, our gospel continues from there.
When The Son of Man Is Revealed
The gospel that we have read today, in which Jesus says, just as it was in the time of Noah, so it will be when the Son of Man will be revealed. And what was happening in the time of Noah? As we have heard, people were eating. drinking, marrying and given to marriage, business as usual, until they saw Noah going into the ark and the floods came. They were destroyed.
And Jesus says again, just as it was in the time of Lot, so it will be when the Son of Man is revealed. And what was happening in the time of Lot? People were eating, drinking, marrying, giving to marriage, buying and selling, planting, until Lot left Sodom. Fire and brimstone rained down on them and they were destroyed.
Jesus Teaches Us A Lesson
What is Jesus inviting you and me? He’s inviting us to hold on to what is essential. Which at times may look like losing our own lives. Eating, drinking, marrying, given to marriage, planting, buying and selling. These are the usual things that we do which help us in our bodily life to survive. Some of them for just our own entertainment.
But just as Jesus has said, he who preserves his life, he who only satisfies himself, he who is only limited to the bodily use, will lose his life. But the one who loses it, will save it. And by losing it, what does it mean?
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Jesus Tells Us: The One Who Loses His Life Will Save It! What Does He Really Mean?

The Exhortation to the Apostles: French Painter: James Tissot: 1886
Part of the online collection of the Brooklyn Museum.
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Gospel Reading: Luke: 17: 26-37
First Reading: 2 JN 4-9
Jesus Tells Us: The One Who Loses His Life Will Save It! What Does He Really Mean?