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Eucharistic Revival Conference #5: Liturgy of the Eucharist

Fr. Felix Phiri, SMM

Eucharistic Revival Conference #5: Liturgy of the Eucharist


This marks the final conference of the Eucharistic Revival series.


In the previous session, we explored the Liturgy of the Word. Today, we transition to the Table of the Eucharist, and by the end of this conference, we’ll discuss the possible path forward. What potentially comes next? The answer lies in what the Church refers to as the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

Listen to this fifth and final installment of the Eucharistic Revival.

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Note: Two Media Formats of the Same Conference

The conference has two formats. The audio is the same for both. However, the video link is provided for those that wish to visually see the conference. The audio format allows the user to listen and not actually look at the device.  If you select the video format, look for the full screen icon to display a larger version. Use whichever media format you desire.

The Last Supper – The First Eucharist: Spanish Painter: Vicente Juan Masip: 1562

The first image is a cropped image focusing on The Bread of Life.

Eucharistic Revival Conference #5: Liturgy of the Eucharist

Conference #5: Video Link

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