History Remembers His Greatness: Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
History Remembers His Greatness: Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr
The Saint we honor today, Saint Ignatius of Antioch, is one of the most remarkable men that history has ever produced.
Tradition holds that when the disciples were arguing among themselves about who was the greatest, Jesus sat down and placed a child on His lap. Unless you become one such as this little one, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Tradition says that child who received a kiss from Jesus sitting upon His lap was Ignatius. Ignatius grew in his faith. Hear more within the Homily!
Bishop of Antioch
Ignatius became the third Bishop of Antioch. The first was St. Peter. Antioch was where the word Christians was first used. He was martyred in approximately the year 110 A.D. He died about 15 or 20 years after the death of St. John, the Apostle. He is one of the earliest witnesses to the early Church. His witness comes down to us by the way he lived the words of today’s scripture passages. Hear more in the Homily!
I Am A Christian!
When the Romans came upon Antioch, they offered the people . . . pain or pleasure. If you surrender to the Romans, life will be easy and there will be rewards. Ignatius stood before the Roman leaders. Ignatius was asked what type of man stands before the emperor? He said . . . I am a Christian! When asked what was so great about that, Ignatius continued. I have Christ alive in me . . . and you do not!
These words led to his martyrdom. He was arrested immediately. Because he spoke in such a manner to the emperor, Ignatius was put to death in Rome . . . in the Coliseum . . . as an example to all.
Understand what actually made Saint Ignatius of Antioch such a great man. Listen to:
History Remembers His Greatness: Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr

Saint Ignatius of Antioch: Austrian Artist: Leopold Kupelwieser: 1800s
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Gospel Reading: Luke: 11: 47-54
First Reading: EPH 1: 1-10
History Remembers His Greatness: Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr