St. Paul Asks the Church of Corinth: Are You Conscious of Living in Such a Way that You Know You Are Moving Toward Another World . . . the Kingdom of God in Heaven?
Father Hugh Gillespie, SMM
St. Paul Asks the Church of Corinth: Are You Conscious of Living in Such a Way that You Know You Are Moving Toward Another World . . . the Kingdom of God in Heaven?
St. Paul wrote the letter to the Church in Corinth 2000 years ago.
He wrote to the people, and he may have written it to us in today’s world. While Christians do not deny Jesus’ Resurrection, we often act in a way of indifference. Many Christians take the Lord’s Resurrection for granted. The point Paul makes is important to today’s Church as well.
We who believe that Christ died and has risen; we need to take the back part of the statement seriously once again. Paul targets not our belief in the resurrection, but the way the Church is living! Note what Paul says! If our hope in Jesus is simply for today, then we are a pitiful people. Why? Because we will live in a way where Jesus is merely a memory. Hear more within the Homily!
What Does the Other Side of Death Look Like?
We must recognize that death is not the end! If we do, it begs the question: What does the other side of death look like? Whatever it looks like, if we have access to it at all, it is only by what God has done through Jesus Christ.
For St. Paul, saying Jesus died for us, is the easy part! Thousands saw Jesus die on Good Friday. Death is a fact of how we all live. If that is all we have …a knowledge that Jesus died for us … we have nothing! We have a story that ends in a grave. If our hope is in a dead man … than we have no hope.
It is vital to include the second half of the statement. Christ has risen! To say that He has risen … means that He has still risen and is alive! He is active! Jesus is active not simply for today. He is active to bring this world to completion that God desired for it from the beginning. This world, and therefore, our lives are going someplace. This what the people of Corinth were missing! Hear more within the Homily!
Christ’s Resurrection was for each of us! God is moving life to a place that will not pass away! The people of Corinth forgot about this. They viewed death with pain and sorrow. But they did not look at the bigger picture and what God intends for all of us! St Paul asks the Church, are you conscious of living in such a way that you know you are moving toward another world . . . the Kingdom of God in Heaven?
Listen to this Meditation Media. Listen to what St. Paul asks the Church!
Are You Conscious of Living in Such a Way that You Know You Are Moving Toward Another World . . . the Kingdom of God in Heaven?

Saint Paul Writing His Epistles: French Artist: Valentin de Boulogne: 1600s
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Gospel: Luke: 8: 1-3
First Reading: 1 COR: 15: 12-20
St. Paul Asks the Church of Corinth: Are You Conscious of Living in Such a Way that You Know You Are Moving Toward Another World . . . the Kingdom of God in Heaven?