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We Must Examine Our Hearts to See What Is There that God Does Not Like! How Do We Do This?

Fr. Bernard Maganga, SMM

We Must Examine Our Hearts to See What Is There that God Does Not Like! How Do We Do This?


Jesus’ language is very strong within the Gospel.

He talks about the inside and outside. Yesterday, we focused on cleaning the outside of the dish and cup. But the inside is important too! In today’s Gospel, Jesus describes those like whitewashed tombs. Beautiful on the outside, but on the inside filthy. Why do we often focus on the outside, avoiding the inside? Because it’s easier to look good . . . then to be good. Hear more in the Homily.

To be good demands a lot. We must confront ourselves and the attitude of ourselves. To clean these attitudes is not easy! How can we strive to be good? We are frequently invited to check ourselves. We must examine our hearts to see what is there that God does not like. How?

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We Must Examine Our Hearts to See What Is There that God Does Not Like! How Do We Do This?

Sacred Heart of Jesus: The Shrine of Our Lady of the Island

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Gospel Reading: Matthew: 23: 27-32

First Reading: 2 THES: 3: 6-10, 16-18

We Must Examine Our Hearts to See What Is There that God Does Not Like! How Do We Do This?

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