Jesus Tells Us About Cleanliness Before God. Implications for Our Spiritual Life
Fr. Bernard Maganga, SMM
Jesus Tells Us About Cleanliness Before God. Implications for Our Spiritual Life
Everywhere we go we are presented with rules, regulations and laws.
We must follow these rules or risk getting kicked out or banned. This is true in many circumstances, including sports. There are many rules and regulations.
In each of the readings (not included within this audio) and the Gospel, we hear of rules. Israel was given rules that defined Israel as God’s children. In the first reading God talks to His children through Moses. Moses teaches the people God’s statues. Moses stresses the need to follow them . . . to keep them. Do not add or subtract from these commandments. Why? Because they came from God. Hear more within the Homily.
In the second reading, St. James tells us all good comes from God. Humbly allow the Word of God to penetrate into you . . . to enter your heart. As we receive the Word of God, as we receive Jesus, we must allow Him to direct our ways . . . influence our daily living.
In the Gospel, the Pharisees confront Jesus because they see the disciples eat without washing hands. What is Jesus trying to teach us in the Gospel? The Pharisees believed washing hands and washing feet are part of cleanliness. It was in arrogance they approached Jesus. Yes, cleanliness is good. Washing hands is good. But there is more to cleanliness before God than the ritual of washing hands.
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Jesus Tells Us About Cleanliness Before God. Implications for Our Spiritual Life.

The Pharisees Debating (Part of Hundred Guilder Etching): Dutch Painter: Rembrandt: 1647
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Gospel Reading: Mark: 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23
First Reading: DT: 4: 1-2, 6-8
Second Reading: James: 1: 17-18, 21-22, 27
Jesus Tells Us About Cleanliness Before God. Implications for Our Spiritual Life