St. Paul’s Lessons to Us! Our Presence Is Important to the Church!
Fr. Bernard Maganga, SMM
St. Paul’s Lessons to Us! Our Presence Is Important to the Church!
The Gospel today is about Saint Thomas.
The Homily begins with a proverb: One Head does not lift up the roof. In villages building houses, mud is often used to build the walls of the house. Separately, people build the roof. Of course, the people who build the roof wish to build it correctly, to avoid any leaks. After the roof is completed, and the walls are completed, the roof is raised to be placed on top of the house or hut.
After the roof is in place, you can now call the structure . . . a house. But, before that, they were two separate building components, and not yet a house. When the house is completed, it is a great day for celebration. Why? Because a single person cannot place the roof on the building. There is a need for collaboration and unity. That is why there is the proverb.
There is unity between the workers placing the roof on top of the building. There is unity between the roof and the house’s walls. Because of this unity, the two components can then be called a house. It is now a house for shelter and protection.
St. Paul writes (in the first reading) to the Ephesians who are experiencing dis-unity. The Ephesians wondered whether there was a path for them in the Church. They wondered if their presence means anything to the Church. Paul says they are equally important to the Church. The Ephesians had strong doubts. Hear more in the Homily.
Hear about the lessons for us! Our presence is important to the Church. Listen to what St. Paul tells us today!
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