Worry About How You Appear Before God
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Worry About How You Appear Before God
Both readings feature a garment.
Jesus speaks in the Gospel about an invisible garment. He speaks of a mask we put on and wear. Humans are concerned with putting on a certain outward presentation. The Lord tells His disciples, that outward presentation of piety means nothing if they do not spring from a heart that is honest. This is a difficult truth for the human heart to master . . . the Homily discusses this further.
The Lord says lay those desires aside. We may be doing good, but we often look for serving our own status. We do good . . . but in the end, we are looking really to serve our own status. Lay that aside, Jesus tells us. We start by serving God when we do the good. But then we move away from serving God.
Don’t be like the religious leaders and look to be publicly celebrated. Those small praises will be all you get. You will get nothing from God for the goodness. This happens even with prayer. Listen to the expansion of this in the Homily.
Do not do things for the sake of appearing before men. When one worries about how you appear before men, you forget to worry about how you appear before God.
Do things for the sake of God.
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Worry About How You Appear Before God
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The Christ Pantocrator of St. Catherine’s Monastery at Sinai: 6th Century
Gospel Reading: Matthew: 6: 1-6, 16-18
First Reading: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14
Worry About How You Appear Before God