You Are the Salt of the World! Jesus Teaches His Disciples and Us What This Means!
Fr. Felix Phiri, SMM
You Are the Salt of the World! Jesus Teaches His Disciples and Us What This Means!
Today’s Gospel, from the discourse on the mountain, brings Jesus’ disciples together so He may teach them.
Jesus tells His disciples that the way each of them have chosen has a demand. Jesus provides His disciples with two images. The first is salt. The second image is the image of life.
Salt is very common in today’s world. We see it on our tables. We see it in the food stores. Today, it is not very expensive. Indeed, one might classify it as an inexpensive commodity. But in the ancient world, salt was very different. It was used for cooking, and also a means to preserve food. Salt, then as it does today, gives food a special taste. In the Roman days, Rome’s military was paid, at least in part, with salt.
Salt was very important, in ancient times and in the days of Jesus and the Apostles. If you continue on the way you chose, your life will become more important . . . more important than you can imagine. You will become like salt is to the world!
Your life will be tested. But it will be tested for God. You will preserve the presence of God in you and in the world!
Hear what Jesus is teaching His disciples and Us!
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You Are the Salt of the World! Jesus Teaches His Disciples and Us What This Means!

The Lord’s Prayer: French Painter: James Tissot: 1886-1896
Return to Meditation for the Week
Gospel Reading: Matthew: 5: 13-16
First Reading: ACTS: 11: 21-26; 13: 1-3
You Are the Salt of the World! Jesus Teaches His Disciples and Us What This Means!