God Hears All Prayers by Those Who Put Their Total Trust in the Lord
Fr. Bernard Maganga, SMM
God Hears All Prayers by Those Who Put Their Total Trust in the Lord
In today’s Gospel, we hear Jesus talk about the commandments.
Jesus says, . . . But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the Kingdom of heaven. In the Homily, we hear of a woman with nine children. They are now adults, but only one goes to Church and prays. The others do not. We hear that this is common in today’s world. But the woman presses on. She says she is disappointed. She is disappointed, because she prayed to keep her children in the Church.
We also hear that all those who put their total trust in God . . . are never disappointed. They are never let down. We also hear about the woman who provides examples of when God answered her prayer. The woman was told to continue to trust in the Lord. God has a purpose and will answer your prayer in His time. Hear more within the Homily.
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God Hears All Prayers by Those Who Put Their Total Trust in the Lord

Jesus..from the Painting: Sermon on the Mount: Carl Bloch (1834 -1890)
Return to Meditation for the Week
Gospel Reading: Matthew: 5: 17-19
First Reading: 1 Kgs: 18: 20-39
God Hears All Prayers by Those Who Put Their Total Trust in the Lord