When Did Mary Receive Her Crown? Its Significance to Us on Mother’s Day and Always!
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
When Did Mary Receive Her Crown? Its Significance to Us on Mother’s Day and Always!
On this day, Mother’s Day and the Seventh Sunday of Easter, we hear that Jesus sends His disciples into the world.
We also hear more about Mary within the Homily. When did Mary receive her crown? We hear in the Mysteries of the Rosaries, that we honor the crowning of Mary. When did she receive it? Was it after her assumption?
Scripture and the Homily tells us it was much earlier than that! On this day that we celebrate motherhood, hear what Jesus thinks of motherhood!
Understand when Mary receives her crown and its significance for us!
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When Did Mary Receive Her Crown? Its Significance to Us on Mother’s Day and Always!

This statue of Our Lady was acquired from Brazil some years ago and is over 100 years old.
Return to Meditation for the Week
Gospel Reading: John: 17: 11-19
When Did Mary Receive Her Crown? Its Significance to Us on Mother’s Day and Always!