Look UP in Faithfulness to See the Lord. The Gift of Hope
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Look UP in Faithfulness to See the Lord. The Gift of Hope
Jesus says in the Gospel, the Son of Man will be lifted up.
Jesus references in the Gospel Moses in the dessert. When the Israelites were unfaithful, and worshipped serpents, snakes came and bit the people. Many people died. When the people called out to God, He commanded Moses to create a bronze serpent and place it on a pole. He told Moses to raise it high, so the people can see it. People saw the power of God and those that looked, did not die from the snakes. The people remembered the reason why this happened. It was their unfaithfulness.
Out of their affliction came the sign of their healing. All they had to do is be faithful and look up. Hear more within the Homily.
The Lord says He must be lifted up so He can be a sign. The wounded people, filled with regret, can look up and see the Lord, and look to Him in their affliction. The Lord must be lifted up to find Me. This will give the people hope. Understand this within the Homily.
Near the end of the Homily, we hear that 2025 has been designated a year of Hope – a Holy Year. Additionally, 2024 has been designated as a year of prayer. Hear more about these two years and the significance within the Homily.
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Look UP in Faithfulness to See the Lord. The Gift of Hope
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Crucified Christ with Donors: Italian Artist: Ugolino di Nerio: 1317-1327
This painting is one of the earliest known paintings of Jesus on The Cross. This painting is nearly 700 years old.
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Gospel Reading: John 3: 14-21
Look UP in Faithfulness to See the Lord. The Gift of Hope