The Seven Last Words of Jesus: The Fourth Friday Lenten Season Conference
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Note: This audio is the fourth Friday conference within the Lenten Season. The first several media sets’ links within this series appear below.
The Seven Last Words of Jesus: The Fourth Friday Lenten Season Conference
When we say the seven last words, we mean the seven last statements of Jesus on The Cross.
On Mount Sinai, the Lord gave to Moses ten words. Now, there on another hill, seven more words are given. God made Moses a meditator to receive the words. On Good Friday, God’s Son gives the world seven more words.
The parallelism continues. On Mount Sinai there was rolling thunder and shaking of the earth. On Good Friday, a similar thing happens. The site as we know is Calvary, the place of the new covenant. The Homily tells us more.
As Jesus is on The Cross, Jesus addresses His people. The audio describes the Lord on The Cross to set the scene and to help form a mental image.
These words were not given to the entire world. They were shared and heard by only a few people. The seven words should be looked at together to understand their significance.
Listen to:
The Seven Last Words of Jesus.
Understand how these words should impact our Spiritual Life. Listen to this Friday Conference During Lenten Season. Listen to this Meditation Media.
Return to Meditation Media
Note: See the Seven Last Words below the audio and a list as to which Gospel they may be found.

Christ Crucified: Spanish Painter: Diego Velázquez: 1632
Note: This marks the fourth Friday of the current Lenten Season, featuring special formation conferences covering a range of seasonal topics. You can revisit the initial installment, titled “The Spiritual Meaning of Lent,” here.
The second installment is entitled: Where Did the Stations of the Cross Come From? Why Are They Important? What is the Peculiar Power of this Prayer? (link).
The third conference: Atonement, Reparation and Reconciliation to the Heart of Jesus (link).
The Seven Last Words of Jesus: The Fourth Friday Lenten Season Conference