The Three Kings, the Magi, Provide Us an Example for Our Own Spirituality
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
The Three Kings, the Magi, Provide Us an Example for Our Own Spirituality
On the Feast of the Magi, there is a great celebration.
We all know the song of the three kings. We know the story, about the kings moving across deserts following a star. There are two groups that heaven provides a sign foretelling the birth of Jesus (the other being the shepherds notified by the angels).
The three kings are non-Jews. They are compelled to move. They must see Our Lord and travel a great distance. But the movement does not first begin with the kings. It begins with Our Lord.
There is a great lesson for us and our own spirituality in this Gospel reading. The kings move and bring gifts to the Lord. Hear what the story implies for us and our Spirituality. Two thousand years ago wise men found Jesus with Mary. Today, wise women and wise men will still find Jesus with Mary!
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The Three Kings, the Magi, Provide Us an Example for Our Own Spirituality
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Note: On this Feast Day the Church has two traditions. The first is to sing the upcoming Feast Days (dates) of the Year. The second you will briefly hear about immediately following the Gospel and before the Homily.

The Adoration of the Magi: Italian Painter: Giovanni di Paolo: 1450
This painting is a tempera on a panel and resides within the Andrew W. Mellon Collection.