The Feast of the Presentation of Mary
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
The Feast of the . . .
The Presentation of Our Lady is celebrated by the Church.
The presentation in the life of Our Lady is not found in sacred scripture. The event was recounted in a very old document that is known as the prequel to the Gospel. It is the same source that we have the names of Mary’s parents. Hear more about the importance of this book within the Church’s teachings within the Homily.
This feast was not initially a very big celebration in the origin of the Catholic Church. However, it was a significant feast day among the Eastern Churches. After the second Vatican Council when the revised liturgical calendar was made, this feast day was addressed. One of the reasons it was added to the calendar was a gesture of communion with the Eastern Church brothers.
. . . Presentation of Mary
There is a significance to this Feast Day. The first is a question of calendar. Usually, the Sunday after this Feast is the Feast of Christ the King. That is a celebration near the end of the liturgical year, where we celebrate Jesus enthroned in His Glory Who will come to judge the living and the dead.
The presentation feast is in contrast. It celebrates Mary’s presentation when she was three or four years old, way before she’ll become the Mother of God. It is the beginning and is in contrast to the Christ the King celebration at the end. Hear more within the Homily.
Hear why this Presentation Feast Day is important to our own Spiritual Journey. Listen to The Feast of the Presentation of Mary. Listen to this Meditation Media.

The Presentation of the Virgin: Italian Renaissance Painter: Titan: Early 1500s
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Note: The Homily references an icon. A picture of that icon is not available. This painting shows similar traits of the Presentation of Mary.
The Feast of the Presentation of Mary