As We Prepare for Advent, We Hear the Term in the Fullness of Time, God Sent His Son. What Does That Mean and Why Is It Important for Us?
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
As We Prepare for Advent, We Hear the Term in the Fullness of Time, God Sent His Son. What Does That Mean and Why Is It Important for Us?
First Saturday celebration this December also marks the end of the liturgical year.
Advent begins at sundown. Advent tends to take Catholics by surprise. As Catholics prepare for Lent, they have a plan as to what sacrifice they want to do. Advent falls normally right after Thanksgiving, or the week after, and it catches many Catholics by surprise. What are we to do for Advent? Hear more in the Homily.
Advent also requires a game plan; we need to be prepared. It’s not about what are the things we are going to do! What is the perspective of the heart and soul out of which we will be doing things for Advent. The readings help understand this more clearly.
In the Fullness of Time, God Sent His Son
What does fullness of time really mean? Why is that important to us now? Hear more within this Meditation Media.
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The Adoration of the Child: Italian Painter: Antonio Allegri da Correggio: estimated between 1518 and 1528
The artist Correggio, the painting is housed in the Uffizi Gallery of Florence, Italy. In the artworld, the artist is simply known as Correggio.
As We Prepare for Advent, We Hear the Term in the Fullness of Time, God Sent His Son. What Does That Mean and Why Is It Important for Us?