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Faith, Hope and Love. Hear what St. Paul and Jesus Says About Hope

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Faith, Hope and Love. Hear what St. Paul and Jesus Says About Hope


St. Paul articulates the groaning of creation.


He speaks (the first reading is not included within this audio) of the connection between the creation and the fall of man. He speaks of the creation and fall of the universe itself.

There is a longing for the manifestation of the children of God . . . that would be all of us! That’s odd! Somehow the universe longs to see something that has been given to us! St. Paul speaks of a longing within the universe for how it was supposed to be. Your salvation and my salvation are related to the universe! How? Hear more within the Homily.


In the Homily we also hear what St. Paul says about three virtues Faith, Hope and Love. Much has been written about Faith and Love. Much less is written about Hope. Yet, it is Hope that moves our Faith and Love along. Hear more within the Homily.

St. Paul also tells us about religion and its two basic movements: Struggle and Hope. Struggle without Hope is painful endurance. Struggle without Hope is working without any meaning or direction. Many in this world live that way. Hear what St. Paul has to say.

Parable of the Mustard Seed . . . and Hope

In the Gospel we hear Jesus tell us what Heaven is like. He tells us the parable of the mustard seed. Its tiny. People normally do not notice it. Yet out of this tiny object, there is a quite growth. Suddenly, there is an abundance.

Faith, Hope and Love. Hear what St. Paul and Jesus Says About Hope. Listen to this Meditation Media.

The Parable of the Mustard Seed: Etching: Dutch Poet and Illustrator: Jan Luyken: 17th Century

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Faith, Hope and Love. Hear what St. Paul and Jesus Says About Hope

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