God Gives Us Work To Give Mankind Its Dignity
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
God Gives Us Work To Give Mankind Its Dignity
The Lord tells us do not worry!
Do not worry about what you’ll eat . . . or drink . . . or wear. It’s tempting to say to the Lord, . . . that’s easy for You to say! When He tells us do not worry about tomorrow, it’s tempting to say . . . that’s great but You are the Son of God! For those of us who need to work for a living . . . we need to take care of these things!
The Lord wraps up His teaching by saying, Sufficient for a day for its own evil!
What is the Lord really telling us? The lesson the Lord is telling us is . . . work is intrinsic to what it is to be human. Work has been given by God to give man his dignity. The world may look at work as a necessary evil . . . to be avoided when possible. That is not how God sees work!
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St. Joseph the Worker
God Gives Us Work To Give Mankind Its Dignity