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Peter is the Rock Jesus Builds His Church Upon! What Does That Imply For Us?

Father Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Peter is the Rock Jesus Builds His Church Upon! . . .


In today’s Gospel, we witness a pivotal moment . . .

. . . where Jesus designates Simon Peter as the cornerstone upon which He intends to build His Church. Matthew 16:18 becomes a cornerstone passage that elucidates the foundation of the apostolic mission of the Church. With the words, “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it,” Jesus imparts a profound message about the enduring strength and purpose of His Church.

The significance of this declaration becomes more apparent when we examine the linguistic symbolism. The name “Peter” derives from the Greek word “Petros,” which translates to “Rock” or “Stone.” It’s a name that encapsulates the stability and solidity that a rock represents. Interestingly, the scene of this proclamation is set against a backdrop that reinforces this symbolism: an altar made of a substantial 3+-ton rock and an ambo carved from a multi-ton rock. These visual cues emphasize the weightiness and significance of the message.

. . . What Does That Imply For Us?

Beyond the physical imagery, the heart of the matter lies in the spiritual implications. Jesus’ declaration to Peter carries layers of meaning. At the surface, it signifies Peter’s foundational role in the establishment of the Church.  He is the bedrock upon which the Church constructs the community of believers.  This points to the importance of faith, loyalty, and dedication that Peter embodies.

Furthermore, this event serves as a reminder that Jesus’ Church is built on faith, not just Peter alone. The idea of the “powers of death” being unable to prevail underscores the enduring nature of the Church, protected by divine forces against any adversity. In essence, Jesus is entrusting Peter with a leadership role, one that encompasses the mission of guiding believers and fortifying the Church against challenges.

For us, the modern followers of Christ, this Gospel passage holds timeless wisdom. It urges us to reflect on the foundations of our own faith and the roles we play within the broader Church community. The Church prompts us to examine our commitment to the principles that the Church stands upon and consider how we can contribute to its growth and resilience.  Just as Peter was chosen to be the rock, we are invited to be steadfast in our convictions and to actively participate in building the Church through our actions and beliefs.

What is Jesus telling Peter, and telling us in today’s Gospel? Listen more to this Meditation Media.

The Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, dedicated to Mary, Queen of All Hearts.

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Peter is the Rock Jesus Builds His Church Upon! What Does That Imply For Us?

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