Why was Mary Magdalene Chosen By the Lord to be the Apostle to the Apostles?
Father Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Why was Mary Magdalene Chosen by the Lord?
The Church places a significant emphasis on celebrating the life and example of St. Mary Magdalene.
She holds a unique role as the first to proclaim the Resurrection of the Lord even before the Apostles, making her the “Apostle to the Apostles,” a title given to her by the early Church fathers. Mary Magdalene was not sent to the world, but the Lord sent her specifically to the Apostles and the Church.
In today’s Gospel, one may wonder why she was chosen to be at the tomb on that particular day. The answer lies in the fact that the Lord called and spoke to her, and then entrusted her with the task of announcing His victory to the Apostles. Other people were present at the tomb that morning but did not experience the same encounter with the Lord that Mary Magdalene did. But why did the Lord call her?
The reason behind her special role might be connected to her heart’s genuine love and deep desire to seek the One she loved. This longing to be close to the object of her heart’s affection led her to have a unique encounter with the resurrected Lord. For further insights and interpretation of this scripture, one can listen to the Homily and the Meditation Media titled “Why was Mary Magdalene Chosen By the Lord to be the Apostle to the Apostles?”

Christ’s Appearance to Mary Magdalene
after the Resurrection:
Russian Painter: Alexander Ivanov: 1835
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Why was Mary Magdalene Chosen By the Lord to be the Apostle to the Apostle?