Sharing in the Life of Jesus: What Does That Actually Mean and Why is it So Great?
Father Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Sharing in the Life of Jesus
The fundamental essence of the Christian life revolves around participating in the life of Jesus Christ.
This profound gift is bestowed upon us through Holy Baptism, wherein we not only become members of the Church but also have our sins washed away. Describing these two truths as merely “simple” might seem peculiar because they are, in fact, incredibly significant. These transformative experiences occur due to the divine intervention of the Holy Spirit, enabling us to share in the life of Jesus. It is truly awe-inspiring. Discover more insights within this Homily.
Through this intimate connection, we echo the words of St. Paul, who proclaimed, ““It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me”. Both St. Paul and Jesus Himself, as depicted in today’s Gospel reading, emphasize this profound reality. Gain a deeper understanding of St. Paul’s teachings in this Homily.
Take a moment to contemplate what it truly means to share in the life of Jesus. Immerse yourself in this Meditation Media and delve into its profound implications.
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