The Ascension: Humanity Also Rises to Heaven! Understand the Implications!
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
The Ascension: Humanity Also Rises to Heaven! Understand the Implications!
Today’s mystery is intriguing in several ways.
In the Gospel, we encounter the Mystery of the Ascension, where Jesus must go and ascend to Heaven, while simultaneously claiming to be always present. Delve deeper into the homily to explore these seemingly contradictory statements made by Jesus.
Forty days have passed since the Resurrection, and the Gospel narrates the physical ascension of Jesus to heaven. Take a moment to contemplate this powerful image, as the homily further explores its significance and implications.
As Jesus ascends to Heaven, humanity ascends with Him. This realization carries great importance. Through the Incarnation, the Lord assumes our humanity in bodily form, undergoes physical suffering and death, and rises in His body during the Resurrection. Now, as the Lord ascends to Heaven, He takes humanity along with Him. What does this mean for us?
Take the time to listen to the thought-provoking discourse titled “The Ascension: Humanity Also Rises to Heaven! Understand the Implications!” available in this Meditation Media.
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This is a cropped image of The Ascension in St. Isidore Parish in Riverhead, NY.
The Ascension: Humanity Also Rises to Heaven! Understand the Implications!