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Understand What Prevents Us From Recognizing God’s Blessing, Grace, Nearness and Goodness!

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Understand What Prevents Us From Recognizing God’s Blessing, Grace, Nearness and Goodness!


The  Paschal candle is one of the important symbols of Easter.

This fact is also illustrated in today’s Gospel. It is positioned between the ambo and the altar. It sheds light. Understand its symbol and its importance. Hear more within the Homily.

In today’s first reading (not included within this audio), Peter talks about the words of scripture and the Psalms. In today’s Gospel, the Road to Emmaus, Jesus does the same and explains the scripture and the prophets.

Peter speaks to the religious leaders. He tells them that Jesus is the one that is victorious over death.  Peter also says that to reject Jesus is to reject God. He says this not to accuse of them of the events that led to the crucifixion, but to re-orient themselves. If they accept Jesus, they will be able to know and be able to live according to the will of God. Hear more within the Homily.

Jesus and The Road to Emmaus

The Gospel takes place on Easter Sunday. It’s been a few weeks after Easter, but we are still on Easter Sunday in the Gospel. The story of the Road to Emmaus, in a way, can be like our spiritual life. Jesus is right next to these two men, even though the men do not recognize Him. The Lord often has a blessing, a grace, a nearness and a goodness that might be next to us. But we are unable to recognize it . . . like the men in the Gospel. What prevents them? What prevents us from recognizing it?

Understand What Prevents Us From Recognizing God’s Blessing, Grace, Nearness and Goodness! Hear more about the Road to Emmaus. Listen to this Meditation Media.

On the Road to Emmaus: French Painter: James Tissot: 1886

This artwork currently resides within the Brooklyn Museum.

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Understand What Prevents Us From Recognizing God’s Blessing, Grace, Nearness and Goodness!

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