St. Peter’s Healing In the Name of Jesus Christ
Father Hugh Gillespie, SMM
St. Peter’s Healing In the Name of Jesus Christ
In today’s Gospel, St. Peter (and St. John) heals a man in the name of Jesus Christ.
The beggar wanted coins. St. Peter does not carry coins but offers the man what he does have . . . salvation and healing through the name of Jesus Christ.
The healing of the man’s legs took less than a minute. This man spent a lifetime with legs that could not support him. But within a minute, the man is healed, and he has the freedom of movement he only dreamed about in his life. The change in life for the man is dramatic. But the healing also had an impact on so many others.
The crowd entering the temple sees the healed man. A man the crowd walked by week after week. Suddenly, there is a change. The crowd is curious about this event. Now the disciples need to explain what happened.
Note that the woundedness of the man, for so many years, has led to many people coming to faith. The man’s inability to move is at the service of so many hearts that are gathered around the disciples.
Peter Identifies the Source of the Healing
Peter identifies the source of the healing. It is through the name of Jesus Christ, Who has been raised from the dead. The Lord shares His Victory over sin and death with His Church. By means of the touch of St. Peter’s hand on the man . . . the touch of the Church . . . the touch of Jesus arrives within this man. This revealing is not just for the private benefit of the man (though that is real). It is for the benefit of a public outward sign to the crowd, whose hearts were also crippled.
We also hear that there are others that are troubled by this news of the healing. The Gospel tells us about them today. Religious leaders are troubled and unable to celebrate the miraculous event of this man’s life. Why? Because it doesn’t meet the leaders’ criteria for what is acceptable.
St. Peter engages those who seek to silence the message. St. Peter’s response to the leaders is remarkable and said without fear. Listen to the Homily.
Listen to what Peter Says About Healing In the Name of Jesus Christ. Hear Peter’s response to the leaders about healing and about the Lord, without fear.
Listen to this Meditation Media.

St Peter and St John: French Painter: Nicolas Poussin: (lived) 1594-1665
St Peter and St John Healing and Preaching . . . in the name of Jesus
Note: Due to a recording issue, the Gospel reading does not appear within the audio. The audio begins with the Homily.
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St. Peter’s Healing In the Name of Jesus Christ