The Resurrection: If You Accept the Truth that the Bondage of Death . . . the Chains of Death are Now Broken, then Everything Becomes Different
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
The Resurrection: If You Accept the Truth that the Bondage of Death . . . the Chains of Death are Now Broken, then Everything Becomes Different
T here is a temptation amongst Christians to talk about our faith in general terms . . . or in generalities.
We say Jesus was crucified because of our sins. Jesus was crucified. Jesus rose again.
Notice how these descriptions are general . . . and they do not talk about ourselves . . . they do not talk about me! Stated the first way, those sentences are merely information. These statements reduce the Gospel to mere information. But the Gospel is not about merely information! We celebrate what happened . . . that is true. The real question is: How well do we all realize the impact of the Resurrection of the Lord? That was the core of preaching in the early Church. It is this reality . . . the reality of the Resurrection that changes everything in this world! Everything is different.
Up until that moment, no one ever conquered death. There was no real understanding of resurrection. There were some discussions before the Lord’s Resurrection, but they were just shadows of what it really means.
If you accept the truth that the bondage of death . . . the chains of death are now broken, then everything becomes different. Listen to more within this Homily. Listen to this Meditation Media.
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