The Lord Tells Us How to Achieve Greatness in Our Living and its Impact on Our Journey to Heaven
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
The Lord Tells Us How to Achieve Greatness in Our Living and . . .
W hen we hear the words greatest and least, we think of one of each. One greatest and one least.
Notice how the Lord speaks in today’s Gospel. Whoever, in general, does this . . . will be the least. And whoever, in general, does this . . . will be the greatest. The Lord speaks in the plural.
In speaking this way, the Lord places a category in front of believers. There is a least level and a greatest level of living. The defining characteristic of least and greatest is how one engages the fullness of the Law that the Lord has given to His people. This is in harmony to what Moses says to the people as they are about to enter the promise land. The people are being given something. But to better receive it, and to live there, they must do something. This may surprise us today, as it surprised many in the day of Moses. Hear more about this comparison in the Homily.
This may seem strange. Normally, when the Lord gives us something, we automatically stretch out our hand to receive it. But the Lord, as does Moses, says no . . . there must be something there first to receive what the Lord is giving us.

The Sacred Heart of the Lord Statue at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Island
This statue is briefly mentioned near the end of the Homily.
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What did Moses tell the people? To receive the promise land, and to live in it . . . you must receive the Law . . . and keep it. It is this receiving and keeping the Law, that one truly receives what the Lord has given His people. By keeping it, the receiving lasts not for a moment, but allows one to receive and abide in the blessing the Lord intends for each of us.
. . . its Impact on Our Journey to Heaven
Note the importance. The one that is not attentive to the Law is the one that will be least able to dwell in the land, least able to linger there, and least able to receive its fruitfulness. The one that is attentive and faithful, is the one who is greatest and able to settle into the land of blessing and to what the Lord is giving them. They are the greatest in their living. Understand the importance and the impact on our own Spiritual Life. Hear more within the Homily.
The Lord Tells Us How to Achieve Greatness in Our Living and its Impact on Our Journey to Heaven. Listen to this lesson Jesus gives us in today’s Gospel. Meditate on it and have it impact your own Spiritual Life. Listen to this Meditation Media.