Q&A: Please explain the meaning of number 13 of the Secret of Mary. I can’t find anything like it in the Gospel. Mary and the Holy Spirit?
Fr. McMillan, SMM
Submitted by L.B., Cornwall, Ont.
Mary and the Holy Spirit?
The number you ask about reads: “As the Holy Ghost has espoused Mary, and has produced in her, by her and from her, His masterpiece, Jesus Christ, the Word Incarnate, and has never repudiated His spouse, so He now continues to produce the elect, in her and by her, in a mysterious but real manner.”
St. Louis de Montfort is referring here to the fact that Our Lady is the mother of all mankind. He attributes her mothering of mankind to the work of the Holy Spirit in our souls. Just as, he is telling us, the Holy Spirit and our Blessed Lady cooperated in producing Christ the first time, in His Incarnation, so the Holy Spirit and Mary continue to produce Christ in our souls.
The exact counterpart of Montfort’s statement in the Gospel. What you will find is: the story of the Incarnation of Christ being the work of the Holy Spirit in Mary. She conceived Jesus through His power. You will also find that Christ on The Cross gave His mother to us to be our spiritual mother.
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The Coronation of the Virgin: Spanish Painter: Diego Velázquez: 1641-1644
This painting resides in Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.