Jesus Readies His Disciples (And Us), by Private Instruction, For What Is to Happen During Holy Week
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Jesus Readies His Disciples (And Us), by Private Instruction, . . .
Alleluia is a word that is not used during the Lenten Season. It is laid aside until Easter. Why?
Hear more within the Homily and what its absent means during the Mass.
The first reading (not included within this audio) tells us that anyone who would truly serve God, should prepare for a life of hardship and struggle. Well, that is not what most Christians want to hear!
Anyone who serves God must understand this. If it is not considered, one can get overwhelmed. The reading continues with a statement that tells us fire is used to purify Gold and Silver. So it is with the human spirit. There is a certain fire that must enter into the heart to purify it. Hear more within the Homily.
It is humiliation that reveals the heart of a man. It is this understanding that Jesus teaches His disciples in the Gospel. After much public teaching and formation, there is now private formation for the disciples.
This is what the Lenten Season is for us! It is a six-week retreat that the Body of Christ makes with the Lord. The point of this six weeks is what the Lord says to each of us. The Lord’s teaching, in this Gospel, is not for the overall public. It is for those that will make His Word public.
. . . For What Is to Happen During Holy Week
Jesus begins His teaching with the Word of the Cross. It is a difficult word for us to master. Jesus wants His disciples to focus on His word. Jesus takes the disciples . . . and us, aside. The Lord tells His disciples that the Son of Man will be handed over, killed and He will rise three days later. Jesus tells His disciples where He is going. Our Lord is going to the Cross and will rise in three days.
We are going through Lent to Holy Week. At the end, Jesus will rise. Jesus tells His disciples that everything Jesus does now, is to get His disciples ready for what is about to happen.
Jesus Readies His Disciples (And Us), by Private Instruction, For What Is to Happen During Holy Week. Listen more to this Homily. Hear more within this Meditation Media.

Jesus and His Disciples at the Sea of Galilee: German Painter: Carl Oesterley: 1805-1891
It is humiliation that reveals the heart of a man. It is this understanding that Jesus teaches His disciples in the Gospel. After much public teaching and formation, there is now private formation for the disciples.
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Jesus Readies His Disciples (And Us), by Private Instruction, For What Is to Happen During Holy Week