Jesus Heals the Blind Man . . . Only After the Blind Man Surrenders Himself to Jesus
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
Jesus Heals the Blind Man . . .
In the first reading (not included within this audio) we hear about Noah and the flood waters are decreasing.
We hear about the releasing of birds. First a Raven. A little while later, a Dove is released, and it returns when it can find no place to rest. A week later, the Dove is released a second time, and returns with a branch. Noah waits another seven days and releases the Dove again. This time, it does not return. Noah again waits as the flood water decreases.
Note how this works. Everything is not instantaneous. There is an action and a period of waiting. There is a cleansing of the earth. But it will take some time before man can walk upon it. Why? Listen more to the Homily and hear Noah’s lesson for our own spirituality.
In the Gospel we hear about Jesus restoring the sight of a blind man. After touching his eyes, Jesus asks the man if he can see. The man says things are still cloudy. Jesus touches the man a second time.
We do not see this anywhere else in scripture. Usually, when Jesus heals someone, it only takes one touch . . . or one word. Note what happens within this story.
Jesus, and His disciples, enters a town. Later, Jesus says woe to you. It is a town which has very little faith. Hear more within the Homily.
. . . Only After the Blind Man Surrenders Himself to Jesus
Jesus takes the man aside. He takes the man away from the group who lack deep faith. Jesus’ first touch of the blind man is a touch to the man’s hand, which leads the man away. Before the blind man can see physically, he is moving, and the eyes of Jesus are leading him. Jesus does not immediately heal the man. He is not in a hurry to give sight to the man’s eyes, until those eyes belong to a man that knows how to surrender himself to Jesus.
The Lord could have granted sight to the blind man immediately. But the Lord is pleased not to. Why? Understand this story and how it should impact our own Spiritual Journey. Hear more within the Homily. Listen to this Meditation Media.

Jesus Healing the Blind Man: Spain: Painter Unknown: 1139
This painting resides in Castile-León, Spain
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Jesus Heals the Blind Man . . . Only After the Blind Man Surrenders Himself to Jesus