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The Feast of the Epiphany . . . We Christians Are Like the Magi

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

The Feast of the Epiphany . . .


The Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord.

Epiphany means shinning forth. It is a feast of the visibility and glorious presence of God. It is not the feast of the shinning forth of a star . . . though the star was involved. The brightness of the star is not the brightness of this mystery. This feast celebrates the brightness of the One that the star serves. The light of the star is at the service of bringing those to the greater Light . . . the Lord.

The feast is not the feast of following a star. It is the feast at arriving at Jesus Christ. It’s easy to miss this within the story. God sent the star so that the Magi would follow it and would be led to Jesus. Hear more within the Homily.

The Magi are not simply following a star. They were responding to a need. They are seeking a greater light. From such a distance, they are responding to the call of Jesus Christ across many nations. Jesus draws the Magi to Himself.

Part of the Nativity Scene: The Magi Arrive With Gifts to Our Lord

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. . . We Christians Are Like the Magi

Consider that image for a moment. Meditate on that image. We start from our homes, or another location. We get up and move. All of us. All Christians. We come from various locations, and we find ourselves at Church . . . or our place of worship. We come from different directions . . . at different speeds, and wind up together. Why? We arrive because of Jesus. Why? It our response to Jesus’ calling us to Himself. We, in a way, are like the Magi. We are called by Jesus. Hear more within the Homily.

How different worship is when we consider this! It is not a mere obligation that we go to Church on a Sunday. It is the fact that Jesus has called each one of us. And we are responding to that call. Hear more within the Homily.

When the Magi arrived, they brought gifts. We all know the song . . . three gifts. But they brought more than that. They brought their hearts. Hear what our own devotion means and what we bring to the Lord when we arrive to worship Him!

Listen to The Feast of the Epiphany . . . We Christians Are Like the Magi. Hear the similarities. Understand the call from The Lord and how that should impact how we worship. Listen to more in this Meditation Media.

The Feast of the Epiphany . . . We Christians Are Like the Magi

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