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The Parable of the Other Two Sons: Knowing and Doing the Father’s Will

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

The Parable of the Other Two Sons: Knowing and Doing the Father’s Will


Today’s Gospel is the other parable of the two sons.

Scripture poses the question, which one did the will of the father? The story tells of a son who says no to going out into the field and work. He says NO!, but he changes his mind, and goes to the field. The second son says yes sir but does not go. Which did his father’s will?

This is a parable Jesus tells us, in this Gospel. The Lord speaks to the authority, to the religious people of the day when He tells the parable. He speaks to people having hearts that are content or complacent with their own goodness. Jesus then asks them, tell Me what you think. The Lord, in a way, is holding up a mirror for us, in this passage of St. Matthew’s Gospel. Hear more of this Gospel and Homily.

This parable is not about inheritance. It is about working in the fields. The first son, at first, refuses to do what his father wants him to do. This one who was so strong in his rejection, Jesus tells us, at some point he rethinks that and goes to the fields. He lays aside his firmness, but obeys.

Hear more about both sons and the lessons for us. Listen to this Meditation Media.

Parable of the Two Sons: French Painter: James Tissot: 1886

The Parable of the Other Two Sons: Knowing and Doing the Father’s Will

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