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God Shows the Apostle John (and Us) A Glimpse of Heaven and His Throne

Let Me Tell You What Will Happen!


Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

God Shows the Apostle John (and Us) A Glimpse of Heaven and His Throne


The  reading (not included within this audio) and the Gospel have a theme of showing us what is going to happen in the future.

In the reading, the Apostle John is told by the Voice, come and I will show you what is going to happen (from the Book of Revelation). This passage is often mis-understood to be a mere prediction on how history will unfold. Far from it! There is nothing about the unfolding of history on earth that is included within the reading. We are told . . . let Me show you what is going to happen.

The Lord Shows What Will Happen

We are given a look into what will happen. Furthermore, we must be careful when we read about this vision. Our language and our mind can only comprehend so much. This vision actually goes beyond what we can comprehend. Words cannot describe it completely.

The human mind anticipates the future with signs of the end of the world, and all that entails. That is NOT what the Apostle John is shown. He is shown God on His throne and heavenly bodies praising Him. They are happy.

There are four creatures who can see everything . . . interior and exterior of all they look at. Wow! What an odd image. These creatures can see everything! Yet they also continually, meaning without stopping, they sing the praises of the One on the throne. In seeing everything, they also see God. The see everything in light of their position before the throne. Hear more about the significance of these creatures within the Homily.

Then we hear about the additional thrones surrounding THE Throne of God. Hear more about the elders on their thrones within the Homily.

The Four Creatures Surrounding Christ’s Throne

The Homily then discusses, briefly, Christ the King on His Throne showing 4 creatures around the Lord’s throne. Listen to understand this symbolism. Understand what it means to us and how it should influence our own spiritual life. Hear what God shows the Apostle John. Understand what the Lord is now telling us. Let Him show you how things will be!

Listen to this Meditation Media.

The Four Creatures Before Jesus’ Throne: Symbols of the Four Gospels: 800 AD

The Homily explains each of these creatures.

God Shows the Apostle John (and Us) A Glimpse of Heaven and His Throne

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