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Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe

Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe


Today,  we celebrate a very special feast day.

The Church celebrates Jesus Christ, the King. The more complete title is the Feast of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Pause for a moment and consider that title. Hear what St. Paul tells us. Understand what this title means by listening to the Homily.

On this day the Church brings to a close the current liturgical year. The Church pauses and contemplates the Glorious Rule of Jesus, already in Heaven. A Rule that exists before there was an earth.

What is the Church asking from us? Why is this feast important for our daily and spiritual life? Understand what we celebrate on this day.

The Christ Pantocrator of St. Catherine’s Monastery at Sinai: 6th Century

Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe

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