Q&A: Is Praying For Others Allowed?
Please help me – I am so confused! Many years ago, I promised Our Lady that every indulgence and merit I earned was hers to do with as she wished. I repeat that promise every day. In “The Secret of Mary” (on page 27) it states: “If … we desire to relieve a soul in Purgatory, to save a sinner, or assist a friend, etc.”. Does this mean that we can’t pray for the souls in Purgatory, or for sinners?
Please don’t misunderstood me. I truly want to follow the way of True Devotion, but I want to know that I am doing what is most pleasing to Our Lord and His Mother. It seems to me that that paragraph means only that we should put all our loved ones into Mary’s hands — not that we should stop praying for others (in the plural) – such as sinners, souls in Purgatory, etc. Am I wrong?
Father James McMillan, SMM
Submitted by MEM, Somerdale, NJ.
Is Praying For Others Allowed?
There is nothing in the Montfort consecration that prevents us from praying for others!
This is a Christian obligation that we all have, and nowhere does Montfort even imply that we should eliminate special prayers for the souls in Purgatory or for anyone else. So, continue to pray for the souls in Purgatory or for any one particular souls, trusting that Christ and the Blessed Mother know how to help them far better than we do.
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