How Should We Live In The Horizon of the Second Coming? . . . I Listen So I May See
Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM
How Should We Live In The Horizon of the Second Coming?
Listen and you will see.
Hear, and you will see. The senses are connected, but we do not typically think about that in our daily lives. I need to bend my ear to listen. But the fruit of listening, is the ability to see clearly. I am then able to see rightly. How is this connected, and how does it impact our spiritual journey? Listen to the Homily.
St. Paul in the reading (not included within this audio), and the Gospel, through his words, and the Lord’s, asks and tells us something. How do we see and know where we are?
It is common to think, there is no one that understands my life better than me. Often that is not true. Sometimes, we do not know ourselves, our family and our friends as well as we thought we did. That we may not fully appreciate our situation. We see what we convince ourselves is really there.
To really know our lives, we need to let someone else direct us.
St. Paul speaks to the community. The community is wrestling with an issue. The issue, living in the horizon of the second coming of the Lord. This world, and the order of this world, is passing away. And therefore, how do we respond? St. Paul tells us . . . no one says the world will end tomorrow. You must live your holy lives.
But Paul goes on to say, that we must be on guard as to not lose our selves and bury our heads into the things of this world. Hear more in the Homily about what St. Paul tells the community . . . and us!
St. Paul describes how we should live in this odd moment of time . . . that marks Christian life. Hear more within this Meditation Media.

Jesus Speaks to His Disciples and the People
Jesus Teaches the People by the Sea: French Painter: James Tissot: 1886
This painting resides at The Brooklyn Museum
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How Should We Live In The Horizon of the Second Coming? . . . I Listen So I May See